Powerplay Trip Register

Powerplay Trip Register

Product, B2B, Supply Chain

Powerplay Trip Register is a completely innovative way to manage the arrivals and dispatch of vehicle to a construction site. Reducing the process time from 5 minutes to 10 seconds

Scope of work

This is a solo project, so my work included conducting on-site research, designing initial solutions, taking feedbacks and ultimately designing completely functional flows.


As of today, the on-site processes are mostly inefficient. Most of the registration and paper work is still dependent on the old-school method. Resulting in a hampered, chaotic, opaque, and trust-less ecosystem.

Solution Design

The proposed solution is relatable with existing workflow in real-world using existing terminologies and technologies present on-site


This project required relentless user research, on ground surveys and constant iterations in the design given during product testing


October 2023 - January 2024


Prakhar Singh